PHP este limbajul de programare al viitorului. Unele din cele mai mari branduri precum Facebook, Yahoo, Wikipedia folosesc PHP. Dar nu trebuie sa alegeti PHP doar pentru ca Facebook si Yahoo au facut-o. Alege PHP pentru ca:
Fie ca doresti sa deschizi un magazin online sau doar un simplu site de prezentare cu administrare, PHP este solutia pentru orice ai avea nevoie.
Cere ACUM o oferta de pretEchipa TIS Romania lucreaza cu PHP de aproape un deceniu. Experienta noastra in programare PHP face ca TIS Romania sa fie una din cele mai bune agentii de dezvoltare si programare web din Romania. Incepand din 2006, dezvoltam si:
Costurile mari pe dezvoltare si programare fac ca antreprenorii cu idei bune sa nu poata pune in practica ideea. TIS Romania schimba acest lucru cu preturi pentru toate buzunarele si in functie de necesitatile tale. Avem programatori cu experienta de peste 10 ani ce te poate ajuta sa iti pui in practica ideea cu preturi foarte mici.
Alege TIS Romania pentru a lucra cu o echipa de profesionisti in dezvoltare web si programare si pentru a economisi bani.
Cere ACUM o Oferta de Pret Vezi Preturile NoastreTIS Romania si-a facut rapid o recunoastere internationala pentru serviciile noastre de programare PHP. Fie ca doresti sa lucrezi cu un programator PHP pentru ati imbunatati site-ul sau sa dezvoltam unul de la zero, experienta si talentul nostru iti pot indeplini toate cerintele tale de programare.
"TIS Romania made an impression from the very beginning and kept it throughout the project duration. From design to quality control team, every person who worked on the project was strict professional and star performer.
TIS Romania team of coders created exactly what I was looking for, and SEO experts made sure that Kazadu dominates search engines as well. Project members were always there when I needed them. Kazadu is growing and improving every day, all thanks to these great people. I plan to meet the whole TIS Romania team before the second stage of development begins!"
Thanks TIS Romania!
Chris Carlson
"My company the Certified Gold Exchange just completed a redesign of our main website and I am very pleased we choose TIS Romania, a web design firm based in Romania. I have done more than 12 redesigns in the last 15 years and this was by far the most hands off project for me and my team. This is because I finally found a firm in TIS Romania that takes control and is responsible for the result. This allowed me to do my job of running the company which has not been the case with previous developers.
The savings from being hands off has been tremendous and the website is beautiful. See for yourself at Thanks Rajiv and the fine website designers and developers at TIS Romania. Your work has inspired the Certified Gold Exchange team to live up to this website design."
Thanks TIS Romania!
John Halloran
"XOPSO required complete website makeover, new features and new payment gateway. There were major issues in order processing and overselling that required special efforts. We came in touch with TIS Romania team and were really impressed with their approach towards branding,user experience and technical expertise.
New XOPSO can handle upto 100,000 concurrent users and process thousands of orders in a couple of minutes without a glitch. We highly recommend TIS Romania for custom development and eCommerce projects."
Maldives Traveller
Travel & Tourism
Daca PHP este ceea ce ai nevoie, atunci vei fi placut incantat sa cunosti echipa noastra de programatori cu experienta. Daca ai nevoie de pachete personalizate de web design sau dezvoltare web la cele mai mici preturi, atunci TIS Romania este alegerea perfecta.
Doar suna la 0734 646 300 pentru a discuta cu echipa noastra de vanzari si ne vom asigura ca primesti cea mai buna oferta.